Saturday, November 20, 2010

How to change pass.side cv joint 96 honda civic ex 2dr?

If you want to do it safely and properly you should buy a haynes manual and at least have the manufacturers specs for bolt tightness for reference. If you really want to do it then look here to change pass.side cv joint 96 honda civic ex 2dr?
It's easy with a lift, air tools, and a ball joint separator. Without the lift it is inconvenient. Without the air tools (specifically an impact wrench) and ball joint separator tool (not a pickle fork!) it is a real beast. The axle nut is torqued to 180 ft-lbs and will have embedded itself to a much higher breakaway torque. A 3 foot breaker bar will still lift the corner of the car off the jack stand before the nut will let go. The source has some recommendations for separating the ball joint on the tie rod end so you can get the axle out.How to change pass.side cv joint 96 honda civic ex 2dr?
2 Complex 2do it all on here get a book itwill pay for its self in less fustration in no timeHow to change pass.side cv joint 96 honda civic ex 2dr?
ok being a machanic for 20 years i can tell you this. Remove tire then loosen then axle nut in the center of the hub ( this requires a special socket ) and it is a bugger to remove. After the nut is loose but completely off ( run the nut to the end of the threads ) take a sledge hammer and a piece of wood, place the wood over the nut and smack it hard with the sledge ( this releases the axle from the hub ) t5hen remove the nut completly. Loosen the lower control arm, sway bar and any other components attached to the lower control arm, swing it out of the way while pulling the axle out of the hub assembly. place a pan under the axle and transmission. once you have placed a pan under the transmission, Take a pry bar and place it between the axle and transmission and pry it off. This takes a little fieness but it will pop off and there with be some fluid loss. Reverse the procedure when installing the new axle and besure to torque all bolts and the axle nut to specs I hope I was of help........How to change pass.side cv joint 96 honda civic ex 2dr?
All of the above are good answers but Duckie hit it on the head. Just follow his directions and you'll be in good shape. One other thing to do is make sure the car is supported on jack stands and will not fall off. In any type of repair always remember SAFETY FIRST. Good luck